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Objects that are used by the client and room functions


RoomState object is provided to each room function, and will have the fields:

  • roomState.joinable: bool
    • default: true
    • If true, new users will be able to join this game instance.
    • If false, new users can not join this game instance via a private room or matchmaking.
  • roomState.finished: bool
    • default: false
    • Used by UrTurn to index each room properly for matchmaking and displaying user stats.
    • If true:
      • no new room functions will be called for the room.
      • roomState.joinable is forced to be false.
    • If false, the game will show in the "Active Games" list for players.
  • roomState.state: JSON object
    • default: {}
    • Can hold any valid JSON object, and is designed for you to put any data you want to make your game logic possible.
    • If you try to store non JSON serializable values like functions, they will be parsed out.
    • Max size is 15mb.
  • roomState.players: Player[], read-only
    • default: []
    • UrTurn manages this field and will add a player object to the list before calling onPlayerJoin and removes the player object from the list before calling onPlayerQuit.
    • Sorted in the order players joined the room (earliest player first with later players further in the array).
  • roomState.version: int, read-only
    • default: 0
    • UrTurn manages this field and increments the version by 1 every time a function successfully modifies it.
  • roomState.roomStartContext: RoomStartContext, read-only
    • default: {}
    • Provides crucial information on context of how this room was created
    • For example, private rooms will set roomState.roomStartContext.private = true.
  • roomState.logger: RoomLogger, read-only, room functions only
    • Logger object used to log out metadata or message.
    • This helps us correlate logs in the same function call.


RoomStartContext is an object that is defined by how the player created the room. This is useful whenever you want your game to behave differently depending on how the room started.

  • RoomStartContext.private bool
    • true if the room is private (other players will not be able to access the room without the link)
    • false if the room is public. This means players can queue up and join this room.
// Example 1. Default (User clicks `Play`)
roomState.roomStartContext = { private: false }

// Example 2. Private Rooms (User clicks `Create Private Room`)
roomState.roomStartContext = { private: true }

It is not possible to have custom RoomStartContext. We are still brainstorming on a good solution for this.

Please join our discord to tell us about your use case.


RoomLogger is an object to be used to log any metadata or message

  • (...args) => void
    • Logs at the info level
  • RoomLogger.warn (...args) => void
    • Logs at the warn level
  • RoomLogger.error (...args) => void
    • Logs at the error level

Viewing production logs is not supported yet. Provide details on your use case at our discord.


RoomStateResult object is returned by every exported function. All fields are optional (omitting a field will make no edits to the current value). This object can have all the non read-only fields as the RoomState.


  • string
    • Unique identification string for the player.
    • No two players will have the same id.
    • Player's cannot ever change their id.
  • player.username: string
    • Unique amongst any player at a point in time.
    • Player may change their username.
{ // example
"id": "90123018123dsf",
"username": "billy"


Any JSON serializable object.


"y": 1,
"nested": {"field": "hello world"}
// ... any other field