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· 2 min read
Kevin Tang


Congratulations to the winners!!


  • 1st $50 Gift Card
  • 2nd $25 Gift Card
  • 3rd $10 Gift Card

You get to choose the Gift Card (Amazon, Steam, Home Depot?). We may ask you to choose another retailer for any reason (e.g. inappropriate, or Roblox gift card).

All winners will have a role added to their discord name.


Words. We use them to communicate. We use them to make jokes with silly puns. We tell stories with them to inspire others, to express ourselves. We arrange them in many ways. Sometimes we use them to provide odd abstract prompts for a game jam on a thanksgiving weekend.

What are words? Do they mean the same to you as they do to me? What does it mean to understand - to stand under?

- Kevin

Theme: Words


Themes do NOT need to be strictly followed, but be prepared to answer the question "How does this relate to the theme?"



11/26/2022 - 11/27/2022

Join discord for specific times.


Always Discord.

· 2 min read
Sarah Ali
Kevin Tang
Yoofi Quansah


Congratulations to Azzy for winning!


  • Semantle Battle is a spin off of the original semantle game where two players pick secrets for one another to guess. The player who guesses the secret first wins.
  • Play it with a friend here to prepare before the tournament.


  • Tournament will be hosted Saturday 11/5/2022 2:00 PM PST.
  • RSVP in the Discord as soon as possible, we will cap the number of participants.


Always Discord.


Entry is Free.

Tournament Structure

  • We will auto generate a random bracket with every player that RSVPs in the Discord.
  • All games will be screen shared (each player will share their screen in two separate channels) to ensure no cheating.
  • Each player starts out on their own and are their own team leader (i.e. each team will have 1 player at the first round).
  • When a team wins, the two teams combine and the new team leader is the team leader of the winning team. Eventually the last Semantle Battle will be between two large teams.
  • Only the team leader can type in guesses. Teams will not have access to the other teams voice chat/text channel.


  • Team leader of last team standing gets the only ultimate tournament winner discord role.
  • Players on the winning team will get a tournament winner discord role.


  • No Cheating of any form (you will be disqualified immediately, banned from the discord server, and the UrTurn platform - seriously don't ruin the fun of others).
  • The winner is chosen based on the player in this order of priority:
    • player who guessed the word first
    • closest word index-wise (e.g. 99th word in nearest list is better than 70th word in nearest list)
    • closest word similarity score-wise
  • Each game you have 30 seconds to provide your secret and 5 minutes to guess the other player's secret. At the end of the 5 minutes, a winner is chosen.

· One min read
Kevin Tang


Congratulations to the winners!!

  • 1st Place - @ReverendPazu , 27
  • 2nd Place - @azzy made rock paper scissors (no bugs edition)
  • 3rd place - @Flakezzz1 made connect 4


Every Great Journey has a beginning. In a few days, Urturn will embark on a new beginning, our first game jam, and we are so excited to see what y’all create. Making games has always been personal for me; it has exposed me to the amazing world of programming has given me freedoms and abilities that I never fathomed. I want to share those experiences with you. Therefore, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our very first Urturn Game Jam! - Kevin

Theme: Ur First

· One min read
Kevin Tang
Sarah Ali
Yoofi Quansah

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