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Room Functions


These are the functions that you define to handle various events and tell UrTurn how to update the roomState for a room.


All functions follow this flow when handling an event: function flow

Pure Functionsโ€‹

All room functions are pure:

  1. return values are identical for identical arguments.
  2. has no side effects within the function itself.

Avoid modifying any variables scoped outside of the function, as there is no guarantee those modifications will last within the same room and may affect other rooms.

Using global constants is fine, or loading in constants from an external file.


Common mistake is to forget returning the roomStateResult. Make sure you are returning any resulting state, otherwise the changes will not be applied!

ACID Transactionsโ€‹

All room functions are ACID transactions:

  1. Atomic: either all updates returned are fully completed or completely fail. This is important for handling functions like player purchases; you donโ€™t want a player to be charged Urbux and fail to give them their desired item. This prevents data corruption of your roomState.
  2. Consistent: your functions will never be given partial data or corrupt data; they will always get the latest roomState for the room.
  3. Isolated: you are guaranteed that functions for a given room are handled one by one. No two functions can corrupt each other.
  4. Durable: successful room functions are guaranteed to survive system failure. Even if UrTurn goes down, or has partial outages, your data for each room should survive.

onRoomStart Requiredโ€‹

onRoomStart = (roomState: RoomState) => RoomStateResult
  • Use this function to initialize your board game state.
  • Runs when the room is first initialized, as triggered by these actions:
    1. When a private room is created (player clicks Create Private Room).
    2. When a room is created for the matchmaking queue (player clicks Play).
  • Fails on error (when user clicks play or attempts start a game, it will show them an error and will not start the game).
  • Returns the RoomStateResult.

onPlayerJoin Requiredโ€‹

onPlayerJoin = (player: Player, roomState: RoomState) => RoomStateResult
  • Runs when a player joins the room, including when the room is created (i.e. the player clicks Play or Create Private Room).
  • Fails on error (when user clicks play and joins a game, it will show them an error snackbar).
  • If roomState.joinable is false then it is guaranteed that no player will be added to the room and onPlayerJoin will never be called for a player.
  • Returns the RoomStateResult.

onPlayerQuit Requiredโ€‹

onPlayerQuit = (player: Player, roomState: RoomState) => RoomStateResult
  • Runs when a player quits the game.
  • A player can quit the game by manually clicking the quit button.
  • Only players in the room, can quit the room (e.g. we can't call onPlayerQuit with a player not known to the room).
  • Returns the RoomStateResult.

onPlayerQuit is forced. Even if an error occurs in your code, we will force our own logic to be executed (e.g. removing player from the roomState.players list).

This may put the roomState for the room in a corrupt state depending on your code, so you should avoid erroring in this function.

onPlayerMove Requiredโ€‹

onPlayerMove = (player: Player, move: Move, roomState: RoomState) => RoomStateResult
  • Runs when a player moves (i.e. when client.makeMove() is called with the move JSON object).
  • Fails on error. The client triggering this will receive your error as a return value.
  • Returns the RoomStateResult.

If a player is trying to do something impossible/against game rules, then it is recommended to throw an error, so you can handle it in the game frontend.